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Lease a car wash?


New member
Jan 23, 2008
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Hello everyone,

I may have the chance to rent or lease this property at cost only. I spoke with the person who is leasing it now just for the cost to operate. The thing is he didnt really have the funds to fix what has been damaged in criminal mischief. He was just using one of the bays to detail vehicles and only had to pay for lights, water gas etc. dont know how he was doing it.

a little history

When I moved here about three years ago this car wash was operational, and I would use it because there was more pressure and the stalls where clean unlike the new carwash down the street. When i go to the new car wash i have to spend atleast two minutes cleaning the bay so i dont get mud in my car.

This is a self service car wash with 4 car bays,2 RV bays,5 coverd vacum bays with 5 vacums looked like one or two of them had shampoo. The hoses, wands and brushes have been stolen from the bays other than that every thing else looks intact. It has digital timers a change machine and several vending machines. It is in a very good location it is on a four lane highway right in the middle of town. The population is about 6k with major metropolitans in each direction so the road is allways packed during the day time. I do know that the owner has a resturant and several other rental properties so he may be to busy, that and all the criminal mischief (really poor lighting at nite). I have been in law enforcement for many years so many of the issues can be taken care of right away. I should be meeting with the owner in a couple of days just wanted to get a little imput before i met with him and maybe a list of things to look for and ask about.



Well-known member
Aug 30, 2007
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This kind of thing can be very profitable, but it would help if you knew what you're doing from the get-go. It's probably going to take a long time to build the business back up, and the amount of money you'll need to spend to do it could depend greatly on the state of the equipment in the room. You may want to add functions to stay more competitive with the newer wash, which can also be expensive. Unless you are retired, don't count on this being something where you can stop by every few days and pick up the money - you'll need to spend at least a few hours a day making sure everything works in order to keep customers happy.

It can be done - I've done it twice now. Both locations were fully operational when I took over, one I doubled in income pretty easily, the other I increased 700% over three years.