Shortly after my closest and best competitor closed I began experiencing a serious problem... Major highway reconstruction, lots of dirty streets, frequent precipitation followed by sunny skies, the introduction of mag-chloride, 300 new apartments in the market area, two new office towers full of commuting employees, and no nearby competitor! My
changers frequently couldn’t make it through the day without running out of quarters! And, me with a full time job, minimum of 45 minutes away!
So, I made the change to dispensing $1
coins only. But, with every meter box accepting quarters, too.
My thought process was to ease the move to $2 to start. Customers might appreciate the quicker
transaction. It also would reduce the number of
coins deposited…fewer
coins equals fewer chances of
coin jams. Bill
changer issues are also reduced with each payout being fewer
coins. Larger denomination bills accepted increased marginally. However, $1
coin “walk-off” was significant. (Side note: many of the surrounding retailers mentioned an increase in payments made with $1
coins…especially, the convenience and liquor stores.)
Post price-increase revenues did increase as expected along with most customers purchasing additional time in $1 increments…spending some of those “extra”
coins from their $5/$10/$20 bill exchange.
That was 1999. Instead of buying quarters from the bank, I now deposited them. Soon after, I installed one of the first
credit card systems and the empty bill
changer issue was history!
2015…Bays are now $3 to start.
Credit card users pay $5 to start. Vacuums remain $1 to start.
Credit card sales topped 60% of the total sales. And quarters accounted for over 21% of the cash deposits!
Another tidbit of interest. During my first seven years in the business, the database of refunds averaged 100 per year! (I’ll do the math… 8.33 refunds per month!) Since the introduction of the $1
coin and credit cards, the yearly average is 12. Could it be that quality multi-
coin acceptors and fewer
changer transactions have improved the odds of trouble-free transactions? I say “Yes!” Even still, I’ll likely never stop accepting quarters…and, I’ve damaged too many brain cells considering it.