Yesterday morning I got a call from one of the local car wash rookies that his car wash had been broken into. He did have a basic camera system, but no equipment room alarm. He got so-so pictures of the 2 guys doing there crime, hoodies, sunglasses and masks. Had he had an alarm system they might have been scared away. They drilled out the locks on the changer, ripped out both of the Mars validators, both Mars validators had 1000 note bill boxes installed that had about $1200 in each bill box, ripped out both the Hoppers, both hopper were full of tokens. The cost to fix the changer machine alone was around $2500. Lesson to be learned. Install an alarm system with a siren in the equipment that will hurt ones ears and confuse them, I also have a strobe light in the equipment that blinds you. DON’T leave a lot of cash on the premises. We pull our cash daily out of the changer and every other day in the bays and the vac’s. With the way the world is today, with the massive unemployment I think that we are going to see a lot more break-ins and crime at car washes as poeple begin to lose their unemployment benefits. Look at the U-6 unempolyment rate that's the true unemployment rate. The current U-6 rate is 11% and it could go as high as 20%.