Keith Baker
Keith Baker
I welded some bolts to the sides of the pits and laced cables through the grates and back to the bolts. This won't stop them, but maybe it will slow them down a bit. If they have to take longer, they may go somewhere else.
If this doesn't work, I'll replace the next ones with fiberglass. The wash is 22 years old, and I've had it 15 years. This is the first time this has happened.
I tried to attach 2 JPEG pictures with this. I thought I followed the instructions, but it said that the upload failed. The JPEG files are about 2.0 MB each. Can anyone explain in terms i might understand what went wrong.
If this doesn't work, I'll replace the next ones with fiberglass. The wash is 22 years old, and I've had it 15 years. This is the first time this has happened.
I tried to attach 2 JPEG pictures with this. I thought I followed the instructions, but it said that the upload failed. The JPEG files are about 2.0 MB each. Can anyone explain in terms i might understand what went wrong.