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Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
This was a RANT, not a thesis. It's not ment to be analytical. And incase Bill didn't notice either, VOTED TURN OUT was almost 2x what was expected for a primary.... so people are upset enough to engage politics this time.

Looks like Ron Paul won't make the Republican nomination.... pity. Oh well the Constitution was an old document anyway! And who need paper money not backed by Gold when we have China to extend credit. As the old cold war Russian Genral said "in another 50 years, we'll all be dead".


Super Moderator
Aug 31, 2007
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Orange, MA
I think these posts belong in the 'anything goes' category!

Greg Pack

Wash Weenie
Sep 3, 2007
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Hoover, Alabama
If John McCain becomes the Republican nominee this has truly become the Bizzaro world where republicans nominees are more liberal than democrats. It looks like I'm gonna have to "throw my vote away" on a third party candidate, again......

Doug- you think Ron Paul is going to subsidize children's health care? Don't you want more cradle to grave care than he would ever agree to? But I guess I shouldn't poke in stick in your cage and get you all stirred up-go wash some cars.

David Moore, you started this thread; where the Hell are you?


Active member
Aug 28, 2007
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Tri-Cities, WA
I glad that you cleared up the issue of the towels. Yes, if you lead a revolution and don't get killed you are a hero. As for the election 8 years ago, you and Gore need to get over it, he lost. Making Gore the winner would have been just as arbitrary as Bush winning. Just because a lot of old farts couldn't figure out how to vote. Unless you are actually getting out there and doing something, most people don't count bitching as doing something. Why would you say who you voted for in the primary but not the general? Blaming or giving credit for the economic conditions at any given moment is silly. Other than direct intervention economic cycles are just that. I did reasonably well under Clinton and pretty good under Bush, I just hope we don't get killed in the next 8 years.

Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
I glad that you cleared up the issue of the towels. Yes, if you lead a revolution and don't get killed you are a hero. As for the election 8 years ago, you and Gore need to get over it, he lost. Making Gore the winner would have been just as arbitrary as Bush winning. Just because a lot of old farts couldn't figure out how to vote. Unless you are actually getting out there and doing something, most people don't count bitching as doing something. Why would you say who you voted for in the primary but not the general? Blaming or giving credit for the economic conditions at any given moment is silly. Other than direct intervention economic cycles are just that. I did reasonably well under Clinton and pretty good under Bush, I just hope we don't get killed in the next 8 years.
Well, Bill, you ask who I voted for 8 years ago.... that was the primary... almost to the day! And that was John McCain. I didn't trust GW then, not after the interview over the execution of Carla Faye Tucker and his caleous answer and snicker. So I refused to vote for him in the general election and cast my vote for Gore (what the hell, the economy was great... and I was still then a republican). Gore was the fist Dem I ever voted for.

And for the record, history records Gore as the winner. He is listed as the only US president elected but never served. It was not "old people in Fl." that couldn't vote. It was a conflict to have Cathrine Harris as the Sup of elections and Bush's Fl campaign chairperson. Same with Ohio last election cycle.

Today has been busy at both washes. But the local economy has not grown at it's usual rate. Florida's economy is based on growth now, that and tourism. most of our fruit now comes for Central America replacing our Oranges as a cash crop. With a poor economy tourism will be effected (except with the weak dollar).

Fl passed ammedment 1 which lowers property taxes, I voted for it, my wife against it! Shows my republican side. We need some help badly in Florida and in other areas soon ofr our econmy will dive past the recession and into the "D" word.


Aug 31, 2007
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I know I shouldn't get involved in this but what the hell.

How can you say history records that Gore is the only President who was elected and never served? How can that be? From the beginning of our country the Electoral College is elected by the people, then they elect the President. There has never been a President elected by popular vote in the history of our country. Since Gore did not receive the majority of the electoral votes he was never elected.

The only reason Katherine Harris got involved was indeed that some old farts and Hispanics thought they got confused when punching in their ballot. Now I understand after spending millions on new voting machines they are not going to continue to use them because they are too confusing for voters. How in the hell to these people get out of bed in the morning without help? In Ohio there was no doubt about the count, it was close but even Kerry chose not to challenge it. I guess the people in Ohio are more sophisticated when it comes to voting than the people in Florida.

A large part of the Florida's economic decline (and possibly car wash volumes) is due to their drastic reduction in growth which you alluded to. They have gone from the 4th fastest growing state in 2000 to 19th and steady falling.

The issue of oranges is interesting. One of the reasons Florida imports oranges is that the peel is used in producing dilimonene - the natural solvent used to replace distilled solvents in many cleaning products. The peel has become more valuable than the fruit inside that much of the domestic crop is used for industrial purposes.

Doug, I don't think I would tell too many people that as a "reformed" Republican your first Democratic vote was for Al Gore. He may be a Hollywood favorite but he is as shallow as a puddle when it comes to integrity. I can't say Bush has done a great job but thank God Al Gore was not the President on 9/11.

I know that I will regret getting involved here but some of the things you come up with are beyond belief. Even many economists disagree on where the economy is going and how it got there. As the average citizen I believe like several have stated here that rather than "tilting at windmills" we need to do everything possible to make our business better and keep our customers happy. That's how we will turn things around for ourselves rather than counting on the government.

You said you voted for McCain in the 2000 primary. Is he your man now?


rural 5 bay SS
Aug 30, 2007
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Kutztown PA
It looks like I'm gonna have to "throw my vote away" on a third party candidate, again......
"wash weenie" ... you crack me up.:D

I dont call it throwing away my vote, I call it voting for the candidate I believe is best suited for the office. Voting for the lesser of 2 evils is cr@p, hillary, mccain, bush, gore, clinton, bush, whatever, they're all all the same, they're all driving us to the same destination, just a different route.

Honestly, I really do believe that those of us who vote for these bozos that are foisted upon us by the 1 party system and the media are the ones who are wasting votes. How the heck do they convince us to vote for these idiots anyway? Wish I could manipulate people like that, I'd have em washin twice daily!

Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
It's been basically a one party system for years. Sure were have "fringes" but the power is influanced by big money and corporate donors, K-street and not you or I, nor what's in our best interest. Why the monster gets bigger...because business get rich off of it at our expense. None of it is Constitutional which is way I like Ron Paul. But he won't make it. If you go back to my post for over 6 months you we see that I posted over a dozen times about Ron Paul. Some one asked why I think that Ron Paul would support kids health care... he most likely wouldn't... health care is not a Constitutional right... but neither is SS, medicare, medicare, farm substidies or the the department of education! So I'd support eliminating ALL OF THEM if you won't care for the "widows and children" why bother with the "voting blocks"? I won't vote McCain this time. Although he put forward his "anti-torture" bill, when Bush put his signing statement on it saying he can torture and it's legal... McCain did nothing. Clinton also does not get my vote (I never voted for Bill Clinton either). So I'm left with seeing what happens with both conventions this summer. Obama is likely to get killed like Bobby Kennedy (whom everyone including Boddy's wife is comparing him too) if he get's the nomination.

I disagree with RPH that GORE would have handle 911 wrong. Gore is a Rhodes Scholar, a brilliant man by any standard. No he didn't invent the intent... he put forward the actual bill that allowed all of us to actually use it (So Bill can make his Millions)! Only two US Presidents won a Nobel prize, and one VP. That's a distinction that GW will never have. And how did Bush handle 911... by getting us in a protracted war with Iraq and not capture Bin Laden as promised and close down the Bin Laden unit and out a CIA agent? Sure Gore could have done better than that!

But your right this is about washing cars and I did ok today. I chased an a$$hole away over the $3 wash again (yes I have clearly labeled "when you buy 5 for $15) but everyone who watches LAW & ORDER is an expert on FALSE ADVERTISING and wants to SUE FOR $2! Dam.... do these people know what attornies charge per hour to get a $3 car wash? You try to offer something that works all around for everyone... and someone wants to ruin it because they think $3, Free vac, or $5 is too much when the closet comp IBA or FULL SERV is $8! And why exactly don't I hire illegals or pay under the table? I'm begining to lose sight!


Active member
Aug 28, 2007
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Tri-Cities, WA
Doug, I hate to bring it to your attention, but you are the very people that you are bitching about. You are a businessman. You're sitting here bitching about big business controlling everything, Just like the moron bitching about your $3 wash, he sees you as the a$$hole big business that is destroying the world. Figure it out, I got where I am after coming home from the Navy in 69, with $2K in stock and a 10 year old PU, no job and no education. Yes, I've had dinner with my state senator, which was a BS waste of time and money. I took advantage of some government programs if I found out about them and they fit my problems. I used what tax advantages that I found out about. I had to train every CPA, I ever hired, and probably got screwed by every lawyer that I ever hired. I learned from most of the mistakes that I made. I got where I got by working 24/7 for 25 years. IMO an idiot could do the same thing if they paid the same price that I have. Of course, you'd think that an education would help you make less mistakes. Mistakes cost you, time & money, the less you make the better. There is no secret to being successful. Spend less than you earn, and don't borrow money for a toy. Remember that for every dollar that you spend, it takes $1.30 to replace it. $1 for you .30 for the IRS.

Whale of a Wash

5 Washes 36Bays 2Vectors
Sep 10, 2007
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I don't think in our state it matters who is president, we are so forgotten, in a big state with only 600K pop. Not a one of them will make a difference to us, we are a republican state with 2 Dem. senators, the token dems. are suppose to bring the pork for the farmers. And they do, but it doesn't help me, i don't get paid for leaving a self serve bay empty.(Farmers get money for leaving land empty). If they have a bad year -they get price supports. If i have a bad year no one cares. I need a president who will lower energy prices, raise car wash prices, lower insurance. I guess that leaves me with no candidate.
Why don't we do for ourselves what gov't won't. lets all raise our prices, get a group together to fight for lower parts and equip prices, I want a group that does something for carwashes, not just do trade shows, I want something that will help my bottom line .
John North dakota


Sep 3, 2007
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Northeast Pa.
Whale - Uncle Sam is everyone's silent partner and cannot/will not help any of us with business issues. I think the idea of getting a group together is a real good one. When I was a Burger King franchisee we had a purchasing coop that negotiated national pricing for everything from insurance to financing to smallwares. A lot of big companies have whole departments that deal with "national accounts". Heath (signs), Gallagher (ins.), Grainger (15% off), Office Depot, Ruud Lighting, LSI, POS companies, etc. etc. It was expensive to start it up, but went from an organization where you paid yearly dues, to one that paid us dividends based on purchasing volume. I don't know if you could put together enough carwash owners to have any negotiating leverage or to put together enough money to start it up. I think it's a great idea, but I don't know how to get started. Maybe a meeting of owners only at one of the conventions to discuss it further and kick ideas around.


Aug 31, 2007
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I have seen good and bad when it comes to buyers coops. Unfortunately even the one that start out good usually turn into bad deals as they expand and add staff and in some cases faciilities to store goods. The ones that seem to last longer are those that stay small with relatively few members as opposed to those that encompass larger areas and many members. I guess the base problem is that to get better pricing the operators have to use the same lines of products. That seems to go against human nature.

Jimmy Buffett

Active member
Sep 4, 2007
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IMO the fact that Al Gore won a Nobel prize says a lot more about the Nobel prize than it does about algore.
Also imo my grandchildren's children will study the presidency of GWB in a much more favorable light than the liberal media skewed version that we see now. The same was true for Reagan.


Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Northeast Pa.
I have seen good and bad when it comes to buyers coops. Unfortunately even the one that start out good usually turn into bad deals as they expand and add staff and in some cases faciilities to store goods. The ones that seem to last longer are those that stay small with relatively few members as opposed to those that encompass larger areas and many members. I guess the base problem is that to get better pricing the operators have to use the same lines of products. That seems to go against human nature.
The coop that we had at BK provided multiple sources for supplies and equipment. Some cheaper than others, some with better goods than others. That allowed operators to chose among the suppliers. The prices were negotiated based on a projected amount of purchases. There were additional discounts negotiated with each supplier in case the actual amount ($) of purchases exceeded the projected amount for the year. The difference was refunded to us as a dividend at the end of the year. But yes there were problems and pitfalls in the arrangement, which have to be weighed against the pricing advantage. Participation among the franchise community was optional, but high.

Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
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Zephyrhills, Florida
IMO the fact that Al Gore won a Nobel prize says a lot more about the Nobel prize than it does about algore.
Also imo my grandchildren's children will study the presidency of GWB in a much more favorable light than the liberal media skewed version that we see now. The same was true for Reagan.
How do you figure? Who was Nobel? Do you know his story? As far as Regan went... yes I voted for him, yes he did a lot of good, but certianly not our greatest president in history.

Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service
Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Zephyrhills, Florida
Strange thing. When I went to bed things were calm in the South US 48! I woke up at 2 AM to the news of 28 deaths from tonados in AL AK TN & MS in February! My wife BFF called her yeaterday... schools closed in FT Wayne IN not for snow... but FOG (50 degrees...but major storm coming). Last week my town, Zephyrhill made National news when the FIRE STATION FLOODED under a 7" rain fall in 5 hours!

So... Al Gore sounds an alarm on climate change coming...it's happening.. but he does't deserve the Nobel prize for 20 years of work? Just coincidence. Jan-Feb are our driest moonths... I never saw a 7" rain fall in 5 hours, even in Florida, my wash nad closed for the day...My lot was under water and my pit filled up to the point that the reclaim pumps actually pumped water from my parking lot into the sewer for several hours. So the weather does effect, the changes in the weather that is, our business.

What's next... roof truss systems not designed to hold 3-4' of snow as far S. as Kanas and entire towns colasping? Think about that. In hurricane Andrew, Florida cat 5 in 1991, Miami re-did all building codes, eventually all of Floada adopted theses codes. Will All the central US have to adopt Canadian roof truss codes to hold snow should we have precip that weights so much? What would that cost?

ted mcmeekin

Fast and Clean
Aug 30, 2007
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gore is a loser. why does he always run from am invitation on an honest debate on his fairy tale? you may want to dial up al on your weather forecast. a leading climatologist who worked on the significantly flawed Kyoto boondoggle recently acknowledged that the model touted by the gore camp was terribly flawed. they back dated it 30 yrs (with real data) to predict current conditions and found it significantly flawed--they got the wrong answer by a significant margin. did I miss the gore camp mentioning that. they are afraid of science that suggests they have done a terrible dis service to the world.
of course we know gore is immensely qualified to draw such conclusions


Greg Pack

Wash Weenie
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Hoover, Alabama
BTW Paul, after seeing McCain's coronation last night I'm gonna have to renege on my post to vote for a third party candidate. I've decided that I'm pulling for, and will vote for Obama.


Active member
Aug 28, 2007
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Tri-Cities, WA
Gore has jumped on the bandwagon of positive opinion, 20 years, get real. BTW Ria Rutner told us last night why there appears to be global warming, all of the baby boomer women having hot flashes.

When any politican endorses something you should have the sense to run the other way.

Doug, if we were going to be around in 15 years when FL is suppose to be underwater, I'd bet you a lot of money that it never happens. Global changes takes 1000s if not millions of years, you get some rain and you think the world is coming to an end. When are you going to sell everything and move to a safer place?