Take some photos of the property, from a variety of locations. Then, wait a day or two before you look at them.
Now, look…what do you see? Peeling paint? Dirty walls? Weeds growing in the cracks? You’ll be surprised at what you didn’t see when your feet were on the property.
What you see in the photos is what your customer’s see when they drive onto the property. Is it attractive? Would you want to patronize your business? What can you do to improve the appearance?
Next, wash your car in every bay. Does everything in every bay work the same? Fix it if it doesn’t.
Are the bay instruction signs bright and shiny? Are they colorful and informative? Are there too many signs?
Do the
coin acceptors work flawlessly? Do the bill
changers work flawlessly? Do the vacuums suck…or do they “suck”? Do the vendors vend?
1 Make improvements that customer’s can see.
2 Make functions that customer’s use work properly
3 Update meter boxes,
changers, vacuums,
vending if needed…display timers, last minute alert, multi-
coin acceptors,
credit card acceptance, etc are all important but only after everything else works to expectations. Otherwise, the effort and expense will be fruitless.
Prioritize…fix and improve first…update later.