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Recent content by Rfreeman

  1. Rfreeman


    Just enough for them to get the sand/salt trucks out on the roads coach then everyone driving has to wash their cars. I still have nightmares about 2001 and the damage it caused.
  2. Rfreeman

    How to remodel mechanical room for cleaner operation

    I've tore out and replaced 3 of the 5 washes I've owned and done a complete remodel of the equipment room. From my experience the older stuff was very compartmentalized i.e. a small separate stand for TC and one for FB. A separate tank for rinse, hp soap, wax. Then separate stands for the motors...
  3. Rfreeman

    Roof Trough for bay hoses

    Well my install was a little easier bc my trough is sitting on top of the r panel secured with L brackets I made. So in the "valleys" of the r panel where I put the flange i sealed the trough with weather stripping tape forming an L from the outside of the trough to the roof if that makes sense...
  4. Rfreeman

    Roof Trough for bay hoses

    I used toilet flanges from HD. Since you have 8" I would extend the flange with some pvc pipe
  5. Rfreeman

    Roof Trough for bay hoses

    If I was you I would add expanded metal and possibly reinforcement beams from purlin to purlin. that would make a nice deck to set a trough on and work on any repairs. Be sure to prime it and paint it so that it will hold up against the weather.
  6. Rfreeman

    Price increase % on P&L

    That's the price elasticity and econ major guilty as charged.....
  7. Rfreeman

    Buying a car wash. How long did your search last?

    Took me over 10 years. Started looking before the 2008 financial/real estate crisis and well all real estate was way overpriced. I got really lucky and ended up buying a wash after the crisis for less than land value. Negotiating on it took 9 months alone as I waited for the deal to come to me...
  8. Rfreeman

    Coleman Hanna Power Pack Solenoid Rebuild Kit?

    Unscrew the black cap. Remove the coil...using I think a 13 mm deep socket remove the stem a d inspect the plunger for any trash or corrosion. Also inspect the manifold where you removed it from. You might not need a new kit just clean it our. Otherwise KR sells them don't have the part# handy...
  9. Rfreeman

    Have you ever flipped a car wash?

    Any flip is worth it if you buy it right. Car washing isn't for everyone but you have to determine which strategy is best for you based on your personal goals and objective regardless of the asset class. If you can buy a car wash like you mentioned above that has a true market value as you...
  10. Rfreeman

    Anyone Bought a Car Wash from Auction Site?

    Typically have an inspection day or days before the actual auction, go to it and be prepared or have someone that knows what they are looking at. Watch the buyer premium fees typically a percentage of total sales price. Know what type of title you will get and that it will not be incumbered...
  11. Rfreeman

    Coleman Super Saver Experts and Consultants

    I bought a stand from him, Thanks Greg!
  12. Rfreeman

    Coleman Super Saver Experts and Consultants

    Duke, I have purchased 4 used super saver pumps stands for my car washes and have rebuilt all of them to fit my equipment rooms. I don't have any experience with any other stand because the first wash I bought had a super saver so I learned on them and just stuck with them. Like you said I...
  13. Rfreeman

    Does coleman have any tech support?

    What's your issue a few of us on here have coleman equipment. I have 4 sites all coleman equipment in the Equip Rooms
  14. Rfreeman

    New to the Carwash business

    I've seen A LOT WORSE than that but I get your point.
  15. Rfreeman

    Oil Seals 5CP2120W

    Ok ill check that thanks.