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Recent content by soapy

  1. soapy

    Lexair valve

    I have had several Lexair valves on automatics over the years and had a few go bad. I tried once to replace one with a 24 volt solenoid but in the end the Lexair valves worked better. I am talking large 1 inch plus valves.
  2. soapy

    IBA Gallons Per Car

    My city had a certified meter. They took my meter a.nd hooked it in line with their certified meter to verify amount of water. When you are slow take a 55 barrel or two and run your own test and see if it is very far off. Then approach the city. Another thing to check is to see if the city uses...
  3. soapy

    Inherited CarWash with purchase of a lube shop

    Check with Royce Industries in Las Vegas. They are located throughout the west and maybe able to help.
  4. soapy

    Fill in the blank: Self Serve car wash owners need this __________________ to succeed

    Persaverance and the ability to spell better than me.
  5. soapy

    Poll: I plan on attending the 2025 Car Wash Show...

    I plan on going although in recent years the ICA show has very little for the SS operator compared to the past. The best thing is getting to meet with other operators and exchange ideas. It would be great to have a forum dinner again or get together of some kind.
  6. soapy

    Photo Eye Sun Shield

    In the past I have fixed a flat piece of metal to provide shade on a photo eye. You could also use a smaller plastic tube and glue it on with epoxy around the photo eye.
  7. soapy

    Where are you located and what are your prices?

    Idaho $4 for 3 minutes 40 seconds $1.10 per minute after start up
  8. soapy

    Typical water usage per mo 4/1

    You should take a 55 gallon barrel and see what your meter shows. Some meters have a multi factor to get the actual gallons used. I had a new meter at a new location installed once and it was reading very high. It was one I had to buy from the city water department. I made them replace it and...
  9. soapy

    Water intrusion! 360+

    I drill a hole in the bottom of all my waterproof electrical boxes. Inside pump cabinets I also use old heavy water softner bags to loosely wrap around pump motor so any drip don't get onto the motors.
  10. soapy

    Pump out recommendation

    If you have land that you can dump the pit waste on to dry and then haul off it would be well worth it to get your own vacuum pump or tractor set up. I went 23 years with my own vac trailer before retiring it and going to my own tractor and dump trailer. 7 years ago the tractor and trailer setup...
  11. soapy

    Long Bay Petit

    I would rather have good all stainless radiant tube heaters in a automatic bay. I have some that have been running for 30 years. I live in cold northern climate also and radiant heat will heat the rails that the machine drives on free from ice where floor heat won't. Tried the combination of...
  12. soapy

    Merry Christmas to all my ol' timey SS amigos!

    So good to see and hear from JJ again. A true industry pioneer and foundation piece. I personally read every publication he put out and it was a tremendous help when I was starting out. Stay safe and warm JJ and hope to see you sometime at the ICA.
  13. soapy

    Citrus Heights Car Wash - SOLD! :)

    Very Happy for you Kimberly. You have worked very hard and deserve to sit back now and enjoy life. Thank you for all your work on the forum and WCA.
  14. soapy

    Blowers/Drying Agent

    Spot free rinse water has the hardness removed from a water softner and RO system down to less than 40 ppm of dissolved solids. Regular rinse water is basically tap water. Water hardness varies around the country. My water hardness is 22 grains which is about 2200 ppm of dissolved solids and...
  15. soapy

    Crypto Tap Plus and Dixmor LED7 assistance

    I installed a crypto pay a couple of months ago and remember reading that when you add a tap to the card swipe you have to call them to configure the system for the tap/