Help! Could I have your input on sales projection? I’m currently estimating between 14-20 washes per day on a yearly average, but have no real idea.
For some background: I’m planning a 2-bay self serve wash in a small drive through town (Pine River) in northern Minnesota. “In-town” only accounts for about 1000 people, however the neighboring area and towns account for around 8000 people. It is one block from the only stop light on the highway for a while, and within view of that. There are 4 gas stations within this 1 mile stretch, so traffic is decent with only one having a seasonal car wash open spring to fall that has poor reviews. The next nearest car wash is about 15 miles south and is also a self serve. There are none for 20 miles to the north.
Location is on a corner next to a Tractor supply co, state bank, health clinic, and post office. The immediate road has 2500 daily drivers, and the highway within view has just under 7000. The city is the center of 5 state highways. The city itself has a relatively poor per capita income, but is the type of area where folks buy $100k trucks and live in a 200k house. There are wealthy lakes nearby with homes in the multi millions, but those are people who are up only a handful of weeks per year. Attached are photos of everything. Thank you for the help!
For some background: I’m planning a 2-bay self serve wash in a small drive through town (Pine River) in northern Minnesota. “In-town” only accounts for about 1000 people, however the neighboring area and towns account for around 8000 people. It is one block from the only stop light on the highway for a while, and within view of that. There are 4 gas stations within this 1 mile stretch, so traffic is decent with only one having a seasonal car wash open spring to fall that has poor reviews. The next nearest car wash is about 15 miles south and is also a self serve. There are none for 20 miles to the north.
Location is on a corner next to a Tractor supply co, state bank, health clinic, and post office. The immediate road has 2500 daily drivers, and the highway within view has just under 7000. The city is the center of 5 state highways. The city itself has a relatively poor per capita income, but is the type of area where folks buy $100k trucks and live in a 200k house. There are wealthy lakes nearby with homes in the multi millions, but those are people who are up only a handful of weeks per year. Attached are photos of everything. Thank you for the help!