Another way to look at this is the pit mud is just the same as the mud on the street, so if that is hazardous the entire street system is polluted. Hire a kid to clean them (do it during the day) and toss in the dumpster.
Well you can be sure of one thing, whoever is running this does not want us to know what is going on. Could be many reasons for this. Should all come out soon.
Generally having waste water not going to city sewer is illegal in all 51 states. Federal regulations. Be very careful here. Could be BIG fines. If a lawyer says it might be fine get another lawyer.
Another thought. How’s your credit rating? Many manufacturers are real eager to sell machines. All would come with a 2 year warranty. Might simplify things.
Well that does change things. Maybe you could get a helper and have him record everything. You could then use that to talk to the guy. You are in a tough position and you will have to spend some money. Where are you located? I might know someone close.
Every now and then I hear something that makes me smile. A former customer that I never really cared for hired a technician to fix things. Soon as he got the keys he stole the truck.
Trying to find a book called Adapt or Die by JD Merritt. Only 500 were published. Author was one of the most amazing people I have ever met. He was a POW in Japan.