Would you giys say a rough avg, not including electric/umbing, would be $9---$11,000?
I just got a quote for $17,000 for a 5 brush friction.
My SoftGloss was only $10,000
Who makes the i5,& where? What town you in, Davidson? 100% i know the mascot, as I coached for yrs in NE, Okla!
Shoot me a text about your wash(ie: new price/refurb price, etc...) 409)200-4667
Greg, did you get the i5? If so, thoughts...?
Soapy, that's a helluva an idea!
I'm thinking of selling carwashes @ the C-store, & wonder if you can do both (sell washes at the pump & dispense a token).?
Most of us know it will take about $120---$135ish to replace IBA. I stated it was a nice middle to upper middle & included pop w/in 3 miles, & traffic count.
You're correct though, I am buying Real Estate though...
Anybody else gor some ideas?
Mac, there are no Istobal dealers w/in 4 hrs, so...
Sets on edge of 70k city, w/ 3 tunnels, closest being about 4 miles away. Wash was closed down 5 yrs ago due to selling the 4 SS bays to make way for C-store. IBA Building still looks great, but D&S 5000 is ran down. 1 other 6 SS/1 IBA 1 mile away, but their touchless IBA is crap.