Search results

  1. Whale of a Wash

    Cost of a self Serve

    I am the only self serves in our area now, a 12 bay was blocked up and dryvitted and turned into an accountants office. Another 8-bay i believe was sold to a guy in really bad shape for $175k, he did nothing for a couple years and a bank wanted his spot and gave him $6-700K I was told. I...
  2. Whale of a Wash

    uh-oh....not good

    I found my daughters Ipod touch also does internet, so the addictions add up. Dishnetwork is advertising to use a blackberry along with a slingbox they sell, and you can watch all the tv channels you get at home on it. aren't they trying to get Obamas away from him due to security concerns, they...
  3. Whale of a Wash

    Rowe changers and others

    To count our quarters we use a Salter 610 coin scale. About $300 and no moving parts. most of my scales are 10yrs old. we leave them on all the time for better accuracy, and no failures yet. The coin counters i had were always having problems
  4. Whale of a Wash

    Rowe changers and others

    I am not a fan of the original rowe validator , but i think it has to stack the bill, before it pays out. The few times someone tried it, i earned $10 both times. I am up to 4 rowe to Mars conversions now am am really happy with them. The etowah also replaces the very heavy duty rowe power...
  5. Whale of a Wash

    Floor heat Insulate or not

    We have floor heat which is only the first 3 feet perimeter around our car wash, so that doors don't stick and to reduce ice. It also heats the washes, it has 2" of blueboard foam under the sand, and in 15 years is still in perfect condition. I think the concrete disperses the weight over a...
  6. Whale of a Wash

    ShurVend E-Port option

    I have the option on my visi combo- it works really well. Only drawback is it uses at&t cellular which is not popular in our area, so have had a couple of days with spotty service. I bought the option to sell tokens with the cc's for use in the bays.
  7. Whale of a Wash

    Kleen Rites Minivention last week

    I went to columbia, pa to Kr-s get together. They put on a day of fun, in one of the most scenic areas of the country. My wife can't wait till next year to go back. Kleen rite should be applauded for the efforts. Really alot of bang for no money. And Really good for Paul and Jamie who went...
  8. Whale of a Wash

    Walmart and Unlimited time

    I was wondering how hunting season works for you with unlmtd time. During hunting season My $1.75 for 3 min is so inexpensive that a hunter easily spends $10, and can give me a 30-60min clean up although most average 8-10min. We have a clay gumbo type of soil, and the fall is tough on the...
  9. Whale of a Wash

    measuring - part 2

    I have one coke machine left at a wash with higher priced electricity and I put a timer on it, the machine is shut off from 10p-7am while we are closed. It's inside and not accessible when closed. Th visi-combos are left on at washes where the electricity is only 2.9 cents. Once the demand...
  10. Whale of a Wash

    ageless wit and observations

    AGELESS WIT ANDOBSERVATIONS 'If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.' Mark Twain Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress.... But then I repeat myself. -Mark Twain I contend that for a nation to try to...
  11. Whale of a Wash

    Rowe cold weather problem?

    I seem to clean and work on the validators in my sleep. I have the same problem alot due to our weather. I would clean the bottum green belts and the black rollers. The top belts need replacing. Between the summer heat and cold they have stretched slightly, and there is no adjustment. So the...
  12. Whale of a Wash

    Refund issues.

    Yestrday , hired a painter to paint at one one my apt. buildings, had a big bandage on hand. He explained that he got caught in the door at the Wmart supercenter, the other day. He put a claim in with them, said he wasn't going to hire a lawyer. The claim for them to pay his wages for three...
  13. Whale of a Wash

    A candidate from our industry

    Will you guys give us cradle to grave care like( Barrakwards Obama.) Can you save our businesses when they fail. It almost could happen if we really got tired of all these seasoned politicians .
  14. Whale of a Wash

    Strangest thing found in a vacuum

    The foam is easy to explain -someone just got married and had a car full. But i can't believe some of my customers are driving 1500mi to annoy you too!!!! John
  15. Whale of a Wash

    When a supplier becomes the competition

    RPH is right. I think the word free , has taken on a different meaning than what it Really does mean. To me free vacuum -means free. The Sign I seen this morning for a free blackberry -it should be free. But in todays world it means you get this, when you buy something. When fighting the...
  16. Whale of a Wash

    ACW4 Display Options / Ideas??

    Tell the bosses at hamilton, its the ( 1980's) -- those displays are now obsolete, how do they even find them. That is why i threw away an acw4 and never even considered another one , that and those poor validators, In the early 90s they were stringing more hamilton validators than even...
  17. Whale of a Wash

    Dryer Only Option?

    While it is not a bad idea, I would bet everyone would get confused and wonder why they didn't get their $2 wash, Just the blower came on. I had thought about that once, but figured it wouldn't work out. john
  18. Whale of a Wash

    Soda or Combo Vending Machines

    I have one visi-combo , I bought it at the april show, and have two on order. The increase in sales over the drop shelf is outstanding. I am financing the 3rd machine. I would have bought a used soda machine except the visi-combo has the credit card option, and i find many that will buy a towel...
  19. Whale of a Wash

    Why I see a light at the end of the tunnell

    The Bakken is in our state of ND. The oil is fairly difficult to extract, but with new techniques it is getting better. Our state has a $1.2 Billion surplus of money our two democratic Senators are trying to waste. Alot of $$ due to Oil taxes. I live almost 400mi from the Bakken area, so haven't...
  20. Whale of a Wash

    Is this a good idea?

    You should go hang out there a little and see if a "hang out" means more money or just time wasters in the parking lot. I wish I could be as low cost as you , Don't go lower, maybe start some fundraisers, get some excitement going, add features or more vending Etc. If the crowd really does...