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I've built a low pressure prep unit for employees. does anyone have a hp prep unit for there automatic? something like what express tunnels use. How much do they cost? is there a cheap alternative for a hp unit that is electric other than buying a pressure washer from lowes? thanks
My worker broke the key off in a disc lock on my combo vac. Cant get into the safe at the bottom. Any ideas? Is there a certain way to drill these locks? Is it even possible? Any help would be great.
Has anyone ever owned a wash in one state and lived in another?? Is it possible and how? My wife and I are thinking of moving to Virginia and wondered if its possible to still keep one of our washes. We have already put one up for sale. We have a full time employee there so that would help...
Has anyone turned a automatic bay into a small tunnel? Would it be worth it? Whats the shortest tunnel made? Why not get a soft touch automatic....would'nt it wash as fast? 3-4 minutes a wash?
You put the .25 in and they count on the small red coin count display (1,2,3,4). But don't count on the big red display....just all 0000. Replaced the timer in the equipment room that is mounted on the door. Then I swapted out the coin count wire,(wire with green strip on it). Still does the...