Car Wash Forum

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Search results

  1. Y

    Coleman Hannah RO pump replacement?

    I will start this by saying I’m a dumb ass! I had a minor leak (water dripping) from the supply line coming from the storage tank to the RO Delivery pump. I forgot to open the valve back after working on this repair, causing the pump to burn up. The motor still turns but delivers no water to the...
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    Coleman Hanna power pack pre-soak overflowing

    Over the last week I started having issues with finding a wet area on the cement on the backside of the Coleman Hanna power pack. Wasn’t a lot of water and was able to track in down to the overflow pipe on the backside mixing tank. I did notice that the pre-soak chemical tank was at a higher...
  3. Y

    Check valve replacement as well?

    While chasing down a pressure drop/water leak on the roof of our self serve wash we found a busted hose near this manifold (believe that’s what it’s called?). We are replace the supply line from the cat pump up to the roof and the whip from the manifold to the top of the boom. In you personal...
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    To DO/NOT DO list on self service/auto bay purchase?

    We are currently looking and will probably purchase two self serve car washes with an IBA at each location. One location is a 4 bay self/1 IBA and the other is a 3 bay self/1 IBA. With your experience in purchasing used location what are some of the do’s and don’ts. I don’t want to overlook...
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    Input on two SS wash purchases?

    Looking for input from this veteran group of carwash owners. I’m currently running a 4 bay SS location. It’s located in a small town and the income covers expenses and plus a little profit in the bank. It’s a nice carwash, just in the wrong location. There is a carwash in the neighboring town...
  6. Y

    Coleman Hanna PowerPack Spare Parts list?

    Currently running a 4 bay SS location in S Louisiana. The site is set up with a Coleman Hanna 4 bay Power Pack similar to the picture. It has triple foam and RO spot free as well. With your experience and knowledge in the SS industry, what spare parts and quantities of those parts would you...
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    Coleman Hanna Power Pack Solenoid Rebuild Kit?

    Having an issue with a solenoid valve on the low pressure foam brush manifold. When the foam brush is turned off the air solenoid for that bay won't completely seat causing the product in the line to be pushed out. If you tap the solenoid you can hear it close. I have traced down the company...
  8. Y

    Coleman Hanna Spot Free system manual, anyone have?

    Good afternoon. Looking to get my hands on a manual for our Coleman Hanna spot free rinse. Took over this wash and it has never worked. This is the last item to get up and running so all options are available. TIA
  9. Y

    Recommendations on Auto Machine?

    Looking for honest feedback on what you would install with the knowledge you have learned over the years. I am in a lease with a 4 bay/ 1 auto bay carwash with an option to purchase in the future. When to wash was built the auto bay was built to spec for an auto machine in the future. The wash...