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Monex sent me a reader to test (which is actually made by Kiosoft) that accepts swipe, tap, and chip. It took a while but I have got it to working flawlessly on my Wash Select 2. All the customer will see is the actual wash amount they chose. No more of the "credit card hold" bull crap. It is...
I have a flojet that will quit working and I can disconnect the air and reconnect it and it will start working again. Is this a bad flow jet or is something causing it?
I need someone smarter than me to help me figure out what PLC I can use to control a speaker. I need one with at least six outputs and ten to twelve inputs. On the output side I would need to be able to energize four to five of the outputs at the same time. The outputs and inputs would be 24...
I need recommendations on an air dryer for 5 hp air compressor, roughly 25 cfm. I don't have any experience with them was hoping someone here might have one that they would recommend.
I put cryptopay on a older Wash Select 2 and periodically when a customer swipes and selects a wash the screen will say Sale Approved but it won't activate the wash. It has done it on my bottom and middle wash so far. Has anyone had this happen or know how to fix it?
I've only had my Profile open for about a month and I wake up this morning with a nice nasty text and pictures of scratches on a BMW saying my machine scratched his car. Camera arch just paid for itself.
I had some custom stainless steel towers made with two tips per Tower angled down to blast just the running boards on vehicles. I am unsure what tip sizes to use. It will be a cat 3535 pumping the water. What size tip would you recommend?
Those of you with friction machines. Do you run hard water Rinse or soft water? My installer says he prefers soft for high pressure rinse. The water is 14 grains hard here. Thoughts?
Might be a stupid question but can this pump stand be converted to a gravity feed without having to elevate any tanks? Wasn't sure if the pump has enough suction to pull the water?
I need to replace an old DH dual ceiling mounted boom. Would you go back with another dual boom? or use separate booms for FB and HP? The only option I have is to ceiling mount it.
Where the check valves meet the brass nipple, leaks under high pressure. I have taken them all off and retaped them but they still leak only when HP is running. Not sure if I over tightened them or what. They are bottomed out. Anybody got any suggestions?
All three of my sites that are open have already passed what they did last year and we still have almost 2.5 months to go. Anyone else seen this increase? Wondering if more people have stimulus/unemployment money to spend or are people just in their cars that much more nowadays. I have...