Car Wash Forum

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Search results

  1. E

    2014 Mitsubishi Outlander dented hood and roof from the blowers

    Had a customer in 2014 Mitsubishi Outlander come in and complain about some dents in their hood and roof. After inspection and witnessing it going through the wash it seems as though the panels are too weak to withstand the blowers. There is noticeable dents in both panels. Did some google...
  2. E

    Car wash software access

    Let me ask you folks a question. If you are a minority partner on a car wash company and the revenue and wash control provider prevents you from having access to reports and alerts/bulletins is that legal? Keep in mind that my family has done business with the company for decades and I was the...
  3. E

    Reclaim water debate- salty water

    The other day I was dumbfounded when a customer asked if we recycled our water... I told him yes and the he said " then your washing my car with salt water washed off all the cars" He caught me off guard and was driving away when he made the comment... I've thought about this before but...
  4. E

    portable storage? any ideas?

    Is it worth the investment and will it change the storage business?
  5. E

    Neoglide leaving fine scratches

    I have noticed that the neo glide is leaving microscratches on the vehicles... The severity depends on what manafacturer and where on the vehicle... It usually leaves the most damge on plastic bumpers and around the mirrors... I was sold on Neoglide for awhile but now I definitly have my...
  6. E

    What temp of hp is ideal for removing bugs

    I use hp prep in the spring summer and fall.... This year we added a tankless water heater... We currently use Ecolab 3692 pretreat.... Was wondering what temp the water coming out of the pressure washer should be to ideally to remove the bugs... I also use adjustable nozzles that got from...
  7. E

    Sonnys X458 Chain "DogBone" problems

    I have washed aprox 95,000 cars with this chain. We have had issues where the chain will skip/hop teeth on the sprocket. We have replaced the spocket--No help! There is a lot of slop with the rollers too. Its to loose and then we take a link out and it gets too tight and the roller raiser...
  8. E

    tunnel freezing

    Is there anything you all have heard besides a wind door for keeping the tunnel from freezing.... A cloth tunnel-- no hot water-- Didn't know if you guys had any tips or tricks such as: tube heater placement-exit end or entrance end... down wind or up wind????