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I have a IVS Vend It machine and the coin hopper is always giving too much change? Put 1 dollar in the bill acceptor and hit cancel or refund and it dispenses 8 quarters? Or for change for a product it gives approx. double the amount. The coin hopper is fairly new, If I remove it and the coins...
I just opened a new 55 gallon drum of Kleen Track 1B. Usually the color is red and smells like cinnamon. The new drum is orange/gold and no scent and the viscosity is different than what I have seen ( been using for 5-6 years).
Kleen Rite said the Simonize rep said it was fine. But seems off...
I have one Medco lock that I can’t get open it’s stuck half way? Any ideas. I’m going to order a complete new one. You can PM me if that’s better.. thanks
I have knowledge a tunnel wash is coming and will be about 1/4 mile from my wash ( and on the same side of the road). What should I expect? Just wanting to get some info from the veterans on this site. I do have another one about 5 miles away same side of the road and it really has not affected...
What options are out there for a system to make sure the door to the equipment room is fully closed and locked? I looked at the smart locks and I guess they can lock but maybe the door isn't shut fully and they will still move the lock? I need a system to tell me remotely the door is fully...
Stupid question probably. But had to replace my bill acceptor on a carpet wizard and tried a AE 2602 U7E. Newly rebuilt by etowah valley, it would only give .25 credit for a dollar. tried moving the dip switches and then it wouldn't work at all. Changed the acceptor with a rebuilt AE 2412 U3 and...
My wash is on a very busy main road in my town ( beside a McDonalds) and in front of a major grocery store. My renter does emissions in one of the bays and has been asking me to install a nice lighted sign out on the main road for the wash and emissions. ( I would be able to raise his rent $100...
Just want to get the good and bad for changing over the Hamilton Goldline to Cryptopay. I have cryptopay already on my bays and vacs. Never really any issues. The older goldline keeps having issues, phone line problems, credit cards not batching and locking the system down ( for days while I...
Anyone ever see a WW HV wash do a complete cycle, soaps, Triple foam, dryer, etc with no car in the bay? Watched on the camera, lady pays for wash and the WAIT light comes on. The HV begins a complete wash before she enters? It eventually times out with car stuck in bay, 15 min shutdown and then...
Just wanting opinions on the coverage/foam quality for my WW HV. Using KleenRite 1B and 2A with MC Liquid.. Water heater at 135F, soak 20 seconds then rinse. Here is a picture of the wash after the last coat?
Trying to connect Crypto pay to the IVS Carpet Wizard and when I plug in the Crypto or coin mech IDX MA-800 MultiCeptor I get Out of Service. With just the Bill acceptor it works fine? Any ideas. I did the IVS FRESH N UP yesterday and it works fine. Same MULTICEPTOR, TIMER, ETC...
Just got swipers for my vacuums. Here is the issue. I have two IVS vacs ( one with fragrance and the other with carpet cleaner) and two older basic IVS vacs. The first two have I believe IDX Big time timers and the last two basic timers.
So for the very basic ones, right now $2.00 to start for...
Sorry if this has been asked before.. but a basic American coin hopper for quarters, how many should fill it? The number on the hopper is ACC Hopper V3 1-C01-0806-2817.
I have a nice 2 Bay SS and a IBA ( older WW HV ) nice Simonize soaps, Triple Foam, Dryers, etc.. The prices have been the same since I bought the location over 5 years ago. Right now the top wash is 12 then 10, 8 and 6. Thinking about raising the prices? Closest tunnel is 5 miles away and top...
Hi Guys.. Looking for some input here. I have a WW HV with VR attendant. Here is the issue:
Usually a white F150 or Chevy truck enters the bay. Measure is good and the LP 1 and LP 2 are fine. When the HP rinse comes on it will rinse the front and when it is moving up the drivers side it will...
Hello everyone.
I'm located outside Atlanta, GA and when I bought this wash the Weep Mizer was not being used. What the old owner had set-up was that when the Wash World HV unit went to antifreeze it just pushed air through all the lines and clears them out. He just tied the bays into this...
Opinions please... Right now we just have a dead bolt lock on the door, crime isn't really bad in my area and its been like this for years. What are your opinions on a magnetic lock system? and leaving the dead bolt disabled. This way if needed I could remote unlock the door for a friend or...