Search results

  1. R

    Self Serve Car Wash for Sale Muskegon, Michigan

    This is a 6 bay Self Serve wash. 4 bays operational currently. 4 Vacs. 8 position rotary dial, vaulted coinboxes. All high pressure stuff is Dillinger Harris/Ginsan.Low pressure stuff was replaced 5 years ago. New hot water heater install 9/25/2024. Two Rowe Dollar Bill Changers, one has been...
  2. R

    Information for a Newbie

    I jumped in blindly almost 4 years ago buying two self serve washes in my hometown. My advice is Do Not Do It. I am losing my ass and the financial, physical, mental, and emotional stress has not been worth it at all up to this point. I realize my situation is not ideal as I am juggling a...
  3. R

    Home built air dryer.

    I understand. I was asking for me. :)
  4. R

    Home built air dryer.

    how much per unit ? I may need a few....
  5. R

    Air Logic vs Dosatron

    Literally drooling over how clean that looks. Thank you for your response.
  6. R

    Air Logic vs Dosatron

    Pros and Cons folks ? Any other manufactures I should be aware of ? I am forced to replace 3 low pressure set ups for my 6 bay SS that have been jerry rigged by several before me. I have a mix of the old motor/pump setup with pressure tank as well as hydrominder set up today. I am just...
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    Nayax Old

    Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge with us. I am 2 years in and after much research have begun going down the cryptopay path. I like the pricing model you describe. I think you are saying when you had count up people would be pissy. Do you mind me asking how much time you give...
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    It’s time to refurbish!

    Think of how much easier it will be the second time around. :)
  9. R

    It’s time to refurbish!

    Wow. So very clean. I am jealous Sir. Can I pay you to come do mine ? Is that a laurel box you have your cash acceptor and credit card reader on in the bay ? I have old school Ginsan Coin boxes. Its time for an upgrade/remodel. I wish to upgrade to a 10 position dial and add cryptopay.
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    Vacuum dirt keeps getting robbed

    I plan to go from 5 vacs down to 1 for this exact reason. My vacs are such a pain from the homeless breaking in to dig through the dirt. More of a hassle than they are worth.
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    Credit card surcharging

    Would you be so kind as to post or send a pic of your setup ? I am getting closer to replacing my old school coinboxes and have been dreaming about count up. Quarters only right now. So new Dixmoor timers are on my list.
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    Looking for a Cryptopay installer

    I appreciate the offer and am definitely interested in discussing this more with you.
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    Looking for a Cryptopay installer

    I appreciate everyones vote of confidence. I am adding dixmor timers to replace my current timers so I can count up. I know myself all too well. If I get into the thick of it and shit hits the fan I will freak out and stress out. I would rather avoid all that and just pay someone to help me...
  14. R

    Looking for a Cryptopay installer

    6 bay Wash in Muskegon MI. We are Installng cryptopay cc swipes, touchless readers, and dixmoor timers. Seeking quotes for installation/configuration.
  15. R

    flo jet pump wont stop

    Whoa. I agree that I cant communicate problem very well. I have not disagreed with anyone that I am aware of. I may not always be the quickest to respond but I try to take in everyones advice as most, if not all here know more than I in regards to car wash equipment and repair.
  16. R

    flo jet pump wont stop

    I dont see water coming out of pump. Not sure where the muffler is. yes the level is going down. i agree its going somewhere. Which makes me think I have a leak in at least one of my presoak lines from equipment room out to bay. Otherwise... as you elude to where the hell is it going ? :)...
  17. R

    flo jet pump wont stop

    its running fast AND Moving product when it should not. That is the issue.
  18. R

    flo jet pump wont stop

    What causes a brand new flo jet pump to just blow out exhaust (excess) air almost continuosly ? I was having problems with the old motor and pump setup for my pre soak. Replaced it entirely. New Solenoid block only on chemical side. , new flojet. etc. I thought maybe I had the pressure too...
  19. R

    Self Serve car wash tech in Michigan ?

    Looking to add some laurel stainless steel boxes with cryptopay readers and dixmoor timers to my two washes in West Michigan. The one local guy everyone points me to is too busy to return my calls. Anybody know someone capable ?
  20. R

    Power line plus discontinued

    What are guys using that we’re using power line plus Hypro / pentair pumps ? I told that they are no longer being made. Think I need a new one ? ;)