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  1. H

    Weirdest problem I’ve ever seen - IDX MX8

    I’ve been having an issue with three of my bays on the west side of my pump room. When any of the low pressure options (presoak, tire engine, bug remover) are selected, the air will work but no soap will come out. Here’s where it gets weird: let’s say bay 3 is set to presoak. This presoak will...
  2. H

    What do y’all use to clean your floors?

    I’ve been thinking about getting a 4000 psi pressure washer and floor scrubber - anyone have any experience with this?
  3. H

    Rowe 1400 Conversion kit

    Do anyone have experience with a conversion kit? Which one did you go with? How’s it working out?
  4. H

    Issue with my Rowe 1400 changer

    I’ve got a Rowe bc1400 with a mars conversion on it that’s having an issue I’ve never seen before. The changer will take a $5 bill, not pay out the coins, and then the light on the bill stacker will flash twice and not allow any other bills. I don’t get an error on the control board. Any ideas...
  5. H

    Cat 310 Pressure Question

    Ok gotcha. I use AR North America VRT3 unloaders. When I am setting the pressure (with the trigger pulled) the needle on the gauge moves freely and will go up to 1500+. When I release the trigger, the pressure will consistently jump 500 psi regardless of the pressure I just set. Usually when...
  6. H

    Cat 310 Pressure Question

    Yep all the unloaders are the same brand and max gpm; I did notice that some of the new ones I've ordered have an increased pressure rating. Were the unloaders the issue for you?
  7. H

    Cat 310 Pressure Question

    Hey y'all; I was wondering what the pressure differential should be on a cat 310 when the trigger is pulled vs. released. I've got two pumps that have about a 500 psi difference - the rest of my pumps are closer to 200. I haven't noticed any issues; I set the pressure with the trigger pulled...
  8. H

    Vacuum dirt keeps getting robbed

    Unfortunately yes; I’m in Denver
  9. H

    Vacuum dirt keeps getting robbed

    Yep we’ve got cameras and have contacted the police - nothing they can do
  10. H

    Vacuum dirt keeps getting robbed

    Wondering if anyone had a solution to a problem I’ve been having. Some druggie keeps coming onto our property and cutting open the vacuum clean out doors to root through the trash and look for loose change. He’s hit us 9 times in the last 3 weeks. I welded on some L- shaped pieces of steel to...
  11. H

    Low pressure in bay from a cat 310 pump

    It ended up being a bunch of knotted Teflon tape that had come off a fitting and lodged itself in the lines between the pump and the unloader- pretty rare issue, never seen that before. Usually if I have this problem I check the valves. If the wicks aren’t oiled enough sometimes a small piece...
  12. H

    Pre-soak staining paint?

    Great thanks!
  13. H

    Pre-soak staining paint?

    I run a presoak from a local soap guy, never had any issues. Today one of the wires to my solenoid came loose and caused the low pressure to run without air, just water and soap coming out. It was a very easy fix. Apologized to the customer and payed for the rest of his wash. After he finished...
  14. H

    Low pressure in bay from a cat 310 pump

    I have a problem with one of my bays that’s stumped me. When the pump is running, the pressure shows 1600 PSI, when the trigger to the gun is pulled the psi drops to 800. After changing the seals and valves with no fix, I put a brand new head on. I’ve also put a new unloader, new pressure gauge...