Search results

  1. C

    Tire Shine and Armor All on Rims

    Hello Everyone, Using the Simoniz Tire Shiner and having an issue with it leaving chemical on rims that stick out as far as the tire does. I high pressured the pads and adjusted the PSI on each pad to about 19, with an injection of the chemical of 2 seconds per car. There are no rips in the...
  2. C

    Kaady or Blend Co

    Hello everyone, Was just looking for thoughts on Kaady vs. Blend Co and seeing if any operators have used both before. I am torn between Kaadys TWB product vs. Blend Co's Super Brush (both for the presoak). Kaadys TWB is a high PH while Blend Co. uses a neutral based foamer soap. This would be...
  3. C

    Kaady vs. Blend Co.

    Hello everyone, Was just looking for thoughts on Kaady vs. Blend Co and seeing if any operators have used both before. I am torn between Kaadys TWB product vs. Blend Co's Super Brush (both for the presoak). Kaadys TWB is a high PH while Blend Co. uses a neutral based foamer soap. This would be...
  4. C

    POS system?

    First time poster, hello everyone. Opening a EE in a couple of months and was looking for some feedback on POS systems. First off is it even necessary and worth the $50k+? And also thoughts on DRB vs. Washlink? Thanks!