Search results

  1. R

    potential car wash environmental concerns.

    The report stated there was detection of benzene in the groundwater that exceeds the EPA groundwater cleanup levels: rususts of 7.4 ug/L exceeds the cleanup standard of 5.0 ug/L. There was also soil vapor sample taken from the same spot that resulted in a venzene concentration of 1500 ug/M3...
  2. R

    potential car wash environmental concerns.

    car wash contamination The report stated that the benzine level exceeded the allowable limits.
  3. R

    potential car wash environmental concerns.

    Hello, I am in the process of selling my 4 bay carwash. Have been under contract since February 2014. A convenient store is purchasing it. They completed a Phase one study and just finished a Phase 2 study, Phase 2 indicated I have contamination in the ground around my sand traps. They...