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  1. E

    Alkaline Base vs Alkaline booster

    Trying to find some info on the difference between alkaline base and alkaline booster. I use a liquid alkaline "base" with my pre soak in my IBA. Does the alkaline booster perform the same function? Thanks!!
  2. E

    Simoniz Pre soaks

    Appreciate the input
  3. E

    Simoniz Pre soaks

    Anyone out there Used Simoniz pre soaks in their IBAs? Curious about the wash quality
  4. E

    Floor heat issues/ Solutions

    Ive been pressure testing lines in my floor heat system and it appears that the whole thing is compromised. Im curious if anyone out there has ran into this issue and what a potential solution could be. Ive considered doing an overlay. Basically running new heat lines on the existing...
  5. E

    Hydra Cell pumps VS Cat pumps

    That makes sense, this is a very old ryko set up (1980-ish) and the pumps are the D-10 series. Honestly the pumps seem to be great, however im wanting to update the pump bench and low pressure features in an effort to find efficiencies, as well as space saving. A vertical configuration for...
  6. E

    Hydra Cell pumps VS Cat pumps

    Have three Hydra-cell pumps that feed my ss bays. However I haven't ran into any other operators that run them, they all have cat pumps. Has anyone here worked with both? If so what was your experience/ preference? Thanks