At this point your question is a lot like asking if blonds really are more fun. (Yes, they are.) With any touchless machine it will be the chemicals that clean the car. Many, if not the majority of touchless operators use a two step chemical process. Usually they apply a low ph chemical, an acid, followed by a high ph chemical, called a base inchemistry. Some operators use only a high ph with good results. The wash quality will be determined a lot by your geographical location, and other local conditions such as the ph of the water, and if the water is softened well enough.Generally the more expensive the chemical, the better it cleans. Not always, but most of the time. I would start by asking the local
soap salesmen to come and set up a sample to see how well it does. Not all
soap salesmen are created equal either. The chemical needs to be mixed right and delivered to get good coverage and maximum dwell time. You should expect to pay around 0.45 to 0.80 per car on chemical costs per wash. Where are you located?