2Q. What if I own my own business, do I still need coverage?
2A. Owners of sole proprietorships, partners in a partnership and individuals incorporated as a corporation (with no employees) are not considered employees and have the option whether or not to cover themselves.
3Q. What are the pros and cons of sole proprietors, partners, individuals incorporated as a corporation (with no employees) or family farm corporate officers electing to cover themselves?
3A. The benefit of elective supplemental coverage is that sole proprietors, partners, individuals incorporated as a corporation (with no employees) or family farm corporate officers can report a work injury against their policy and upon BWC approval of the claim, medical bills and lost time wages can be paid. The liability of elective coverage is that sole proprietors, partners, individuals incorporated as a corporation (with no employees) or family farm corporate officers must report their wages to BWC and pay the appropriate premiums on their net income.
Minimum/Maximum payroll reporting requirements
4Q. If I incorporate my business will I have to get workers' compensation coverage?
4A. All employees including corporate officers, except for individuals incorporated as a corporation with no employees or family farm corporate officers, are considered employees and must have an active workers' compensation policy covering them.