We had an arch fail to rotate and as a result hit the front bumper of a car then stop right in front of the car. Not a big deal. But then after a minute the trolly tries to go home and drags the arch up and over the top of the car. In the log it shows arch impact deactivated right before that happened. Then once it was home it shows the impact switch reactivated. Now we are trying to reset the machine and it stops in the same spot every time. I can get the arch to rotate in maintenance mode, it takes angle commands and the bridge and trolly move around with commands as well. I tried swapping the card for the encoder as well as a new Lon/ENI cable. the LED on the impact switch does turn off when you push on the arch. Both of our bays are down and we had a tech out on Friday who spent 6 hours there and we still have two dead bays.