Earl, this is interesting to me.
Marketing to business vs 2 residences. Our mfg company markets strictly b2b, because obviously you'd have to mine through a lot of homeowners to find one who wants a roofing spray rig. But, I'd think it would be the opposite for car washes - I could be wrong.
Just from my own experience, when I'm at work my mind is on work, not washing my pickup, and I leaf through/toss mailers faster than my TechKo folder. When I get home and I'm more relaxed, reading the paper and the mail, I find that I'm more likely to actually read a mailer,
IF it is well-done and catches my eye. Often I only look at them to glean good
marketing ideas from those with much bigger
marketing budgets, but if it gets read I'm much more likely to be a customer.
Now if you're looking for
fleet accounts for a car wash I could see direct
marketing to businesses, but I'm having a hard time seeing how a postcard sent to a company with 50 employees, gets seen by more than just the receptionist.
Again, I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just trying to understand it.