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Nov 6, 2023
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Hello. My name is Daisha White and I am a User Experience Designer. I design interfaces for mobile and web applications, and right now, I am working on a project to design a dashboard for a car wash management system. To make the best choices for my design, I could really use input from actual car wash owners. I would greatly appreciate it if any owners could help me out by answering the following questions with as much detail as possible. The responses I collect will allow me to get a better understanding of your goals and challenges so that I may produce a product that truly meets your needs. Thank you in advance.

1. How long have you been in the car wash business?

2. What type of car wash business do you own? (express car wash, self service, multiple locations, single location, etc. -- please describe)

3. Are you the sole operator or do you have a manager and/or employees?

4. Do you go on-site often? Why or why not?

5. What have been some of the challenges you’ve faced within your business? (stagnant growth, competitive market, equipment maintenance, oversight, etc.)

6. What things made you aware of these challenges within your business (revenue reports, customers not returning, bad reviews, etc. -- What happened? Explain.)

7. What things did you do to address these challenges? (adopt new technologies, discounts, etc.)

8. If you use any type of management software or apps to manage your business, please name the one(s) you use and describe how using that software helped you to improve in your problem areas.

9. (If you answered question 8) Did the software solve any problems you didn’t know you had? Explain.

10. (If you answered question 8) What things do you really like about your management software or app and what things would you like to see improved?

11. If you didn’t adopt any new technologies, what methods did you use to address your challenges?

12. How often do you check your business stats -- number of washes, revenue, customers, etc.? (daily, once a week, once a month, etc.) Why?

13. Are you producing any reports regularly? If so, what reports are those? What are you looking to find out?

14. If you could build a dashboard for your own car wash management system, what would you like to see at-a-glance and why?
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New member
Jun 12, 2024
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What do you guys think about combining car wash management systems with ERP? Any pitfalls or success stories?


New member
Jun 21, 2024
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I've been checking out car wash management systems lately because I'm thinking of upgrading ours. It's a bit of a headache trying to keep everything organized manually, you know? Came across this forum and it's been super helpful seeing what others are using and recommending.

I'm particularly curious about integrating with ERP systems like Acumatica Cloud ERP. Anyone here tried that combo? Seems like it could streamline operations big time. Just found this link - https://acupower.co.uk/products/jira-and-acumatica-cloud-erp/ that talks about it. Looks promising, but I'm keen to hear real-world experiences.
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