To buy or not to buy... Cat 623
Sorry that this newbie is such a pain to you guys. I posted a question a couple of days ago regarding 623 vs 310
cat pumps. I received some good input, including some by private message. I understand that both are pretty good pumps, but the 623 is somewhat limited by its low pressure of 1200 psi and is pretty loud. The problem is, I ran across some 623's that I think are at a very good price of $300. Even if they are in poor shape, there are 2 stands - each with 2 pump/motors with controls and all for $300.
If you didn't see my earlier post, I am a small bus contractor with 6 full size school buses to keep clean. I take pride in them and the pressure washers that I buy in the local stores just don't hold up well.
Anyway, if you guys can take a look at some pics that I put on Youtube and give me some advice, I'd appreciate it. It is 2 1/2 minutes and you can see it at . You'll see in the pics what is included and maybe tell me what else I'd need to make these work. I understand that I'll need things like hose, wand, pulsation damper, etc.
If the 623 with its 6 gpm and 1200 psi is not sufficient for school bus washing, I'll walk away from these and keep looking.
These are about 4 hours away from me so I haven't seen them yet. These were removed from an operating carwash and one pump is in need of rebuild (the one with the belt removed). The others may be getting weak, I just don't know much about them. If these pumps are bad, can I simply replace them with a 310 or would there be controls changes as well?
Ultimately, if I ended up with one good stand (2 pumps) I could use one for the washing the buses and leave the other hooked up to an undercarriage cleaner that I already have.
Please give me honest advice. If what I'm trying to do is too much to ask of these used pumps or if it is just a bad idea - tell me that. I'd rather have to save money for a while longer than throw money at this project and then have to pony up later for a whole new system. Thanks again for your help and patience.
Once again, sorry to be asking these types of questions. If the school bus business payed better, I'd buy a new single unit 310 stand installed at my garage for $6300.