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changing over to dollar coins

Ok, I tried to searchthe archives but found nothing. I want to change my Hamilton RNS from dispensing 4 quarters to 1 dollar coin. What will it take to do this and how much will it cost?

Thanks, David
It's just a flip of a couple of DIP switches on the C2000 controller and changing the dispenser wheel in the hopper. I have a $1 wheel that I'll likely never use that I can drop in the mail to you if you want it.
It?s a piece of cake. You need to change the Hopper quarter wheel to a dollar wheel, part #11-0016G costs $31.66. Change the switch settings on your C-2000 controller to have switches ?H? and ?K? On all the other are off. You should be good to go. If you don?t have a C-2000 controller you?ll have to replace the controller, cost of a new C-2000 controller is $511.75 it?s part #49-2000A
Randy, thanks for the clear concise instructions on how to do this. I am glad I did not just start flipping switches radomly or I would have been in trouble.
Thanks, folks.

I'll tinker with it with quarters to see if I can pay out 1 quarter for a dollar. Hey, that is a good profit ;)

MEP, I may take you up on your offer. I'll let you know.

I'm not sure if anyone who dispenses the dollar coin has this same problem, but I find that 1 in every 10 customers thinks the dollar coin is a token.

I'd be a "KA-GILLION-AIRE" if I had a dollar for every time I heard the term, "can I get some "doggie-wash-tokens", or "can I get some-them-gold tokens."

Annoying but profitable.
Which Dollar coins are you going to use

Since he is in Texas, I think it would be safe to assume that he would use the american dollar coins.

I wouldn't bother with a decal stating that you dispense dollar coins. There are many people out there that think car washes only use quarters and may shy away from your changer and chase you down for quarters. Back in 2000 when I first started using the sacs I had such a decal. No one ever read or noticed it. When I had a stringer point it out to his buddy before ripping me off, I ripped it off the next day.
Since you?re going to be inside the Hopper trying to change the Hopper wheel take long hard look at the Hopper Bowl. You?re looking for a groove that gets worn in the bottom of the Bowl. This groove is caused by the sharp edges of the quarters rolling across the bottom of the hopper. When the groove gets deep enough you?ll start to have jamming issues with the Hopper. You want the 11-0016G Dollar wheel, it?s a little thicker than the 11-0016 wheel. With the 11-0016 wheel the dollar coins have a tendency to fall off the wheel on there way up to the coin counter and there were some jamming issues.
Best thing we did was convert our automatics to dispense $1 coins. I get a call once a month of someone that thinks it only returned 1 quarter instead of 4 quarters. You kindly call them back and ask them to look at it again and explain to them that it is a $1 coin and can be spent anywhere. Its amazing to me how this country has not taken a liking to the $1 coins. Either way its alot less money handeling for you and the customer.

My only complaint is how full the hoppers have to be to not register empty. You now will have to keep 4 times the money you did in quarters for it to register "full".

As a side not we still dispense quarters in our change machine since the vacuums only take quarters and the self serve customers werent willing to increase time by $1 increments.
I got her all done and wow it's great, just one klunk for a dollar bill instead of four. That's got to lessen the wear out factor. Thanks MEP. While we are on the subject can you post how to change over an Auto Tec so I can do this for my laser? You may need my controller model number which I don't have without looking. Let us all know.

To change over the controller you?re going to have to change the software in the controller. Not all controllers are upgradable to take the dollar payout software.
The model # on the controller is ACWV 4.19T. Serial is 0010wt8601. Is this upgradeable to the dollar payout? How much should I expect to spend?

To make your old ACW -4/5 controller dispense Dollar coins it is going to have to have the CPU, Software and the COM Chip changed out. You?re looking at about $125- $175. It could go as high as $250.00 if it needs a considerable amount of repairs.