Had another customer pull into my SS bays over the weekend, get change from the changer and then start rinsing off his car with the weep water coming out of the gun. This happens often in the winter months when the weeps are running.
When he started brushing down his car with the foam brush and still hadnt deposited any quarters, I walked into the bay and suggested that this wasnt a free wash and unless he deposited some money, he should clean his car elsewhere.
Ticked him right off, he storms over to the coinbox, drops some quarters and begins foam brushing his car in a huff. Instead of putting the brush back in the holder, he throws it on the floor, grabs the gun and rinses off the car. I figure if he throws the gun on the floor, then he and I are going to have another discussion.
Instead he slams the gun into the holder, jumps in his car and begins to leave. I walk into the bay as he is pulling out, pick up the brush and place it in the holder, wave goodbye to him as I slide the $2.75 in quarters that he forgot to take off the top of the coinbox, and put them in my pocket.
Some people!!.........
When he started brushing down his car with the foam brush and still hadnt deposited any quarters, I walked into the bay and suggested that this wasnt a free wash and unless he deposited some money, he should clean his car elsewhere.
Ticked him right off, he storms over to the coinbox, drops some quarters and begins foam brushing his car in a huff. Instead of putting the brush back in the holder, he throws it on the floor, grabs the gun and rinses off the car. I figure if he throws the gun on the floor, then he and I are going to have another discussion.
Instead he slams the gun into the holder, jumps in his car and begins to leave. I walk into the bay as he is pulling out, pick up the brush and place it in the holder, wave goodbye to him as I slide the $2.75 in quarters that he forgot to take off the top of the coinbox, and put them in my pocket.
Some people!!.........