On the super saver, the rinse solenoids are down at ankle level under the high pressure pumps. You will see several chrome plated solenoids in a row. One or two of them will have little brass tees with plastic tubing branching off. These are your weep solenoids. Those plastic lines will lead to the pump. At the pump there is a tiny ball valve. You can turn them off there and see if it is a weep issue. If the water continues to flow it is more likely a rinse solenoid. The other solenoids down there at ankle level are your rinse solenoids. they can be disassembled but you must turn the cold water supply off to the pump unit. Coleman does not put a shut off valve in front of this manifold.
If the other bays are intermittent, it is likely a bad weep check valve in one or more bays. Run the high pressure in the bays one bay at a time, and observe the other bays to see if the flow starts. If it does, test and replace the check valve on the bay that the pump is running on. It is located at the pump ( the 1/4" poly line is connected to it).