Hi everyone,
I am new to this industry and trying to learn as much as possible from everywhere. I am very happy to be on this forum where I am able to read and ask some of very experience car wash owners.
Looking to open one and then multiple car washes in East Europe where the automatic car wash systems are not very popular. I am trying to learn as much as possible in USA and Canada and then try to apply the same things in there.
Before moving any further with my research I need to calculate the operation costs per car wash. I would kindly ask owners to provide their numbers.
Particularly interested in tunnels and totally touch free systems. Not decided yet but hopefully once I have more data will make more sense which system is more cost effective. Can you guys please post some numbers, I know everyone has different numbers but I would like to get an average, high and low.
Basic Wash and Better wash
1. Water cost in terms of liters per car wash.
2. Chemicals per car wash
3. Electricity per car wash
4. Equipment maintenance per car washes
At the end of the day I need to know how profitable this business is. I know there are a lot of factors of what equipment you use, weather, suppliers of chemicals, water cost , electricity bill, employees area you are in but I need to know some numbers so I can calculate this for East Europe and see if it all makes sense.
Looking forward for some useful information.
Really appreciated it.
I am new to this industry and trying to learn as much as possible from everywhere. I am very happy to be on this forum where I am able to read and ask some of very experience car wash owners.
Looking to open one and then multiple car washes in East Europe where the automatic car wash systems are not very popular. I am trying to learn as much as possible in USA and Canada and then try to apply the same things in there.
Before moving any further with my research I need to calculate the operation costs per car wash. I would kindly ask owners to provide their numbers.
Particularly interested in tunnels and totally touch free systems. Not decided yet but hopefully once I have more data will make more sense which system is more cost effective. Can you guys please post some numbers, I know everyone has different numbers but I would like to get an average, high and low.
Basic Wash and Better wash
1. Water cost in terms of liters per car wash.
2. Chemicals per car wash
3. Electricity per car wash
4. Equipment maintenance per car washes
At the end of the day I need to know how profitable this business is. I know there are a lot of factors of what equipment you use, weather, suppliers of chemicals, water cost , electricity bill, employees area you are in but I need to know some numbers so I can calculate this for East Europe and see if it all makes sense.
Looking forward for some useful information.
Really appreciated it.