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Don England Galvinized Conveyor line in the Midwest???


Hello Forum,
I am doing a little research and I was wondering any forum users still have or have herd of the old Don England conveyor line???
He made his equipment out of steel and had them Galv dipped.. I have scene equipment installed over 25 years ago and still running every day...still with no rust..He made spray arches.. A really cool mitter box/conveyor/spray arches.. any input would help..I will hook you up wit some free swag.. for you time on this topic
402-350-3402 Chris
I know of some equipment in operation today. A double tunnel in Michigan - one tunnel removed and then the other renovated recently but some side washers and mitters still operating with the new stuff. I think some may still be in Grand Rapids, MI and Illinois. I ran into some in Florida about 15 years ago but would assume its gone now. BTW, I knew Don pretty well - real no nonsense type.
Their is still alot of his stuff out their. The guys who have it are VERY passionate about it..you just have to know where to look...I have access to all his old inventory. (3 complete car washes all have been in storage)..BEST EQUIPMENT I HAVE EVER SCENE!!! That equipment is not car wash equipment..but more designed and built like agriculture implements..I think If we picked up where Don left off.. We might bring something NEW to the car wash world. We have the worlds largest Galvinizor 1less than 2 miles away from us..Any they are a VERY good customers of ours...They make Pivot irragation equipment .. Ever herd of a Valley/Valmont??? they sell about 5 k pivots a month I think he died about 2 years ago?? I believe he was from Iowa Falls, Ia...I would love to talk to you more about our plans and Mr. Engalnd I hope he is up in CW heaven smiling down on us all along, with the rest of the CW Icons.... 402-350-340 make it worth your time.. call anytime except the time between 11pm and 4 am..I need a little of sleep. Hope to hear form you Mr.2cents