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Due diligence and


New member
Jul 5, 2021
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mentoring in work. I've been researching, reading, and posting here and there as I am getting closer to probably becoming a fellow member and future contributor. This forum does seem to be more helpful than other (non CW) forums that I am a member or or have participated on in the past.

I am a full time corporate employee with close to 35 years in the aerospace industry. I am not new to the general business model as I also own and have operated a small but very efficient laundromat for going on 16 years.

Long story short the owner of a SS CW with an IBA is in his upper 70s and has decided it's time to enjoy some very well earned and deserved time off. I've asked a few question here and there but typically as a result of other posts and comments. Obviously, it's not fair and with no intention of taking over the threads or conversations.

Questions such as what value does one place on a location that is kept and run in excellent shape? To illustrate further, a location that is ~ 15 years old, about a year old roof, and about year old coat of fresh paint, new signage, all 10 rotary switched utilized and functioning with the usual products including air dry. As a quasi-regular customer (due to the fact that I get sent on travel assignments), I can tell you that I went from spending ~ 4.00 per wash in the SS to close to 10.00. All because of the air dry. The SS bays have all been upgraded and accept, quarters, credit cards, and bills. Location has 2 changers plus the IBA pay station which also accepts CCs & Cash. The equipment room is neat, organized, and well stocked with ancillary products, chemicals, spare parts, tools, blowers, back up compressor, RO system etc.

Purchase will include the business and the property and will come with ample time to train both myself and another person that I choose to assist with supporting this business when I am working.

I've read several articles and spoke with CW owners and workers alike regarding touch free vs touchless automatics. There's advantages and positions that will prefer one over the other. Being a CW user at several locations in SoCal, PNW, & the southeast has afforded me the opportunity to make user experience comparisons. Reading through some of the research / surveys the results show that the average amount of vehicles washed in an IBA is ~ 16,440. I had wondered about this number and to some extent still do but it's a good reference point. Given this, what value does a buyer place on the IBA volume if it meets, or exceeds this average?

The 1st week of due diligence and mentoring quickly identified the simple fact that is stated routinely here which is that increased usage and revenue is directly proportional to the amount of trash that needs to be picked up and disposed of in the big dumpster. Same at laundromats except for the fact that the CW will evidently and unfortunately end up with all sorts of trash on a pretty regular basis as opposed to dryer sheets, empty detergent bottles, clothes, fast food remnants, soda cans, ad did I mention scratched off lotto tickets? So in theory, the more trash that is emptied throughout the day the better the business. In the equipment room we went over the chemicals, the IBA, the car count, the features, the pumps, the motors, the maintenance schedule, the list of contacts, how the system is plumbed and routed, we replaced a hose, performed some troubleshooting on a brush that was not flowing soap as good as the others, and of course more cleaning and sweeping. There's alot to process but just like anything else it can be done. It's going to be fun. good thing I have some time.
