Yes, I have plenty of experience.
Environmentally friendly
soap would meet ISO standards for environmental labels and declarations.
If the product manufacturer is not ISO certified, there is no assurance the
soap is environmentally friendly.
soap as environmentally friendly when it is not is called “green washing.”
Environmentally friendly or eco-friendly means inflicting no harm upon ecosystems or the environment.
For example, eco-friendly would be switching from degreaser that contains petroleum derivatives or wheel brightener that contains HF or ABF to a “citrus-based” cleaner.
So, if your question is really a quest to find an environmentally friendly
soap to reduce carbon footprint of the carwash, using a green
soap would be only one part of the answer.
Most drying agent, hot-wax, triple foam with wax, total body protection, lava bath, and tire shine are loaded with hydrocarbons.
For example, hot-wax alone takes 6 ounces of product per application and 90 percent of this goes down the drain.
Without reclaim system, the more you sell of this stuff, the larger the carbon footprint.