Heres our story: We are a 3 1/2 year old EE that has been doing unlimited clubs for about 3 years now. Before our RFID system we were using custom Unlimited Club Cards (mag swipe). We would catch 1-2 people per day abusing the club program with the cards. At the time when we made the transition back in the end of July we had about 500 members. It has been almost 1 1/2 months now and here are my pros and cons.
-Stops club members from bringing in multiple cars with one club plan!!! $$$
-Works well on MOST cars.
-It adds a "coolness factor" which in my eyes is a competitive advantage.
-Aftermarket window tint really affects readability.
-around 1 out of 10 don’t want anything on their windshield, which has even caused some members to cancel when we try to switch them over.
-Doesn't speed up the time at pay stations at all.
fleet accounts prefer the cards not the RFID's
-RFID tags are expensive (and we have found that they have no real perceived added value in the eyes of the customer, compared to cards)
-the initial investment will take a long time to recoup because it isn't helping add any more revenue compared to our mag swipe cards. (the only savings would be stopping an abusing club member from bringing multiple cars)
-when clubs join the
membership at the pay station, you have no way of knowing if the tag works until the next time. (and then if the tag doesn't work the second time, you don’t know if it was because it was tampered with/moved or if the tag even would have worked in the first place.
-We have gone through an extra 100 RFID's because of:
1. employee's not carefully pulling the tag off of the roll
2. putting tag in an area that turns out to not be able to be read
3. customers coming in with moved tags and saying that no one told them they couldn’t move it. (even though our employees tell every customer)
4. a few brand new tags simply just don’t work