I got a call today from a gentleman who was trying to diagnose the problem he was having with his bill changer and got one hell of an electrical shock and is very lucky to be alive. He said he had just got done washing down the bays so his hands were damp and his shoes were wet. When he removed the stacker from the rear of the changer 2 of the wires that go into the plug that plugs into the stacker came out and shorted out against the side of the stacker, he got the shock of his life, knocked him to the floor, tripped the breaker in the breaker panel. Someone had bypassed the Red On/Off switch, which is also a 5 amp fuse and they had cut off the grounding pin off the wall plug of the changer, that grounding pin on the wall plug is here for a reason. Always make sure that you have the power off or the wall plug for the bill changer unpluged whenever you connect or disconnect any of the components inside a bill changer. When the power is On to the changer and it’s in a standby condition there is always power to the Out of service light, Stacker, and Hopper. Always make sure you turn Off or unplug the Bill changer from its power source when you perform any work inside the bill changer. It’s also a good idea to use a GFI wall receptacle on your power source. The gentlemen who got shocked was very lucky to be able to go home. He said he had a stiff/sore hand and his arm and elbow hurt.