I check every bay every day. I give better product, both in show and cleaning. I keep it cleaner. I replace worn vacuum hoses instead of duct-taping over the holes. I can't give more time per coin or a lower startup price because they come and check so they can match it.
My closest SS Competitor is top notch . He may be better than me. (He is also an a better traveled street with better exposure.) I watch and copy him so he doesn't get too far ahead. He was ahead of me on Bay Bill and Credit Card Acceptors as well as Vacuum Dualers and hand held blowers. 2 of 3 of the next closest SS competitors Demolished buildings and converted to a EE. The third has property listed for sale. Real Estate Value may have outstripped value as a wash.
Because most of my competition have their car wash as a sideline business and not their primary source of income. They tend to follow trends and not set them. They focus on the "show" portion of a wash and not in the results of a clean car.