Thanks all, created a little procedure to how to change these pumps:
Flojet pump change: (foam brush, tripleshine, presoak, tireCleaner)
Step 1: empty foam brush hydrominder tank
Step 2: shut off air regulator to the pump
Step 3: run a bay foam-brush(or whichever function changing pump for) to empty the line completely and product pressure goes to zero
Step 4: un click the 3 input lines in the button: air, chemical in, chemical out
Step 5: unscrew the pump from the wall and remove the lines from the button of the pump, and the pump itself
Step 6: with the new pump, add the 3 lines in the button, and screw the new pump to the wall
Step7: add chemical to foam brush hydrominder and turn on the air regulator to desired pressure
Step8: test the foam brush in all bays