What is a good air pressure to start with on my foam brush system. I tried higher pressure (50) and no product came out. I lowered it until I got it to work. I'm flying by the seat of my pants here. Is there a standard pressure I should use?
This has been discussed a lot on this forum..most system have two pressures you need to be aware of....one is the pressure applied to send product to the bays when the solenoid is opened....this basically determines how much soap/water mix you have flowing...the next one is you have to introduce air into the mix to create foam...that pressue is usually a few psi lower that what you have to send product to the bay....if you have the air pressure higher that the product air pressure then you get all air and no product.
So reduce your air mix pressure to zero and set your product air pressure to say 35 PSI.....check each bay and see if you are getting product....if yes then begin to increase your air mix pressure to make it foam...start about 10 psi lower than the product air pressue....check each bay....if you are getting all air and no product then you need to cut back the air mix pressue slightly...you will have to play with it to get it the way you want....but the air mix pressue should always be a bit lower than the product pressure to get the foaming action. Hope this helps
I like to keep the air pressure low, mainly to avoid the "spit" of liquid across the bay when it's first selecred. A foam generator helps prevent that even more and gives you more foam for less air and product.
You might have a failing pump or clogged hoses or foamers if 50 PSI of air completely stops the foam. If you have D/H foam brush booms, they might still have the high-pressure braided hose through the boom with steel fittings that rust closed over time.
Lots of good advice . Borurm has a good procedure.
FWIW my (A.)flojets (2 for an 8 bay each feeding 4 solenoids) are set at (B) 40psi and the air is at (C)20 psi. (D)No needle valves, (E)no foam generators. (F)3/8" poly for air and liquid t'd above the boom in the trough feeding (G) 3/8" HP braided to an (H)Erie 6 hole FB.
Items A-H above may vary from wash to wash (more?) which can affect the pressure needed.