aca carwash 2
Which Friction wash machine would you say is the best on the market today?
I was going to say that too, but it's important to have a good, knowledgeable distributor local to you. IMO that should be a bigger part of your decision than the machine.Belanger Freestyler
Our Freestyler only took less than two weeks to install and has never had a mechanical failure. I only had to come down twice after getting an alarm for top wheel fault both of them being suburbans with school student signs attached to the roof exceeding my height limit. What you mentioned above MAC jas something to do with the installer not the machine. The Freestyler is a five brush system which keeps it well balanced and stable being on over head rails. The wide open bay look makes people feel invited not intimidated. Where something like a softgloss feels claustrophobic. I was a traditional touch-free only site now I have both. I have new customers and I have converted touch-free customers to soft touch. The programming on this machine is unlimited. You can adjust any drive speed, wheel rotation speed, the capability of turning on any output function you want single or with multiple outputs. I do my top wash with soap, 2 friction passes, trifoam, high pressure rinse, hot wax, DA, SF, and dry in 5:30 mins. Belanger also offers a three day training course to teach you every component of the machine a whole day of programming and a hands on PM on a local machine. Also the freestyler is a proven and field tested machine it has been out on the market over 10 years. It is also the most attractive friction machine too, in my opinion. In addition to the brushes are controlled by air over oil which is delicate to the car, adjustable, and cleans very well. This machine is far less complicated than my touch-free machines. ACA I would contact Dave Singer at Clean Edge I think he would be your Belanger distributor if you are in Maryland. I can go on about this machine. Let me know if you have any questions.You might as well ask if blondes are more fun than redheads. Let's be real here. EVERY machine out there can and will have issues. I am close to a brand new Freestyler that took two months to install and has been down several times. I am pretty sure that the same thing can be said about most machines. The things that I look for are a knowledgeable distributor that is relatively close, efficient operating economics, and somewhat cheap replacement parts. Yes there are differences that will affect your operation, but to say one is the best?
We put one in just over a year ago. It's a bit slower than any of the above mentioned machines. But it cleans great, and there isn't anymore wide open and inviting friction IBA IMO than the tandem, it's a very unique machine compared to the competition. Does dually's, etc..Thanks for all the great input guys. I am surprised no comments on the PDQ tandem, it appears to be a good looking/working machine.
Any comments on the sonny's extreme express mini tunnel?
The height the tandem equpiment itself allows is 7 foot 6 inches. Maybe even slightly higher. It's usually the free standing dryers or something else that limits height in our tandem, not the tandem itself.whats the maximum height to wash on the tandem, can you do any big vans?
Chemical cost per car with our tandem is exactly half of the cost per car in our washworld.So, its friction but actually it’s more a touch-less process. Touch-less has highest chemical, energy and water consumption. Market is moving in other direction.
I had our chemical guy do a cost per car analysis for both of our automatics on every single wash package. It was based on how many ml's of each product is used per car on each wash, and then divided by the cost of an entire drum. I cannot speak for utility costs per car, as Robert pointed out.