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Hamilton Goldline Plus Bill Dispenser Problems


Active member
Mar 9, 2008
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Little Rock Arkansas
Does anybody have any suggestions to make these things dispense bills consistently? We purchased 4 units about 2 years ago and they have been a nightmare when it comes to dispensing bills as change. I have changed the change rule to give $2 in quarters and the remainder in bills. This way bills are dispensed only when a $20 bill is used in most cases. At least one of the units has an error on a daily basis unless its raining! Most times it never picks up the bill, errors out, and rips off the customer of their change, resulting in a angry call from the customer. I make sure to clean the wheels regularly and only use fit bills with no bent corners or tears. I also tried brand new bills and that was a big mistake. They were too slick I guess. It's very frustrating to spend this kind of money on a piece of equipment with such poor performance. I have always been please with all of our Hamilton equipment: over 16 cashiers and over 20 change machines with very few issues, but this is absolutely ridiculous when it comes to the bill dispenser. I have called Hamilton and they had no real solutions. I also call fijitsu directly and they didn't have much to offer as well. What's weird is I also have an American bill dispenser with the same F-50 dispenser and it hardly ever has an issue dispensing bills. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. Thanks


New member
Jul 9, 2013
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East Texas
Hello Todd; There is an adjustment screw under the bills where they feed into the pickup wheels. It probably has a black mark on it already, if not mark it so you know where you started. It is very sensitive so never turn more than a 1/4 turn at a time. Counter clock wise tightens the wheels up and clock wise loosens it up. I had to tighten one of mine up and on the other one I had to loosen it up a little but now I have both working a lot better thanks to a call I made to Fijitsu. Has any of yours locked up and had the error code E.R.FC..OO. This should help because I had same problem for 2 years before adjusting screw.