We've weathered (pardon a bad pun) the same type of weather here in Cleveland both this year and the last crappy winters. We all go through it. The lost days, lack of income, another down year on top of 2-3 down years. It's touch mentally even for a grizzles veteran like me. I've been washing cars for 29 years and the trend lines are disturbing a demoralizing to say the least.
The best thing I recommend is to try to use the time off wisely. Take advantage of the time before winter to get ready for winter. Try ever sop hard not to bring the doom and gloom home with you. Get involved in a "Honey do" list and start doing home projects whether its a big project or several small projects. You have to do things to try to distract your attention for the weather. Do something therapuetic for yourself get involved in the community or your church. Exercise is very important, even if its just walking.
My father always used to say during times like these that "Shorty's in town." We all knew that meant business was bad and it was time to really watch our spending and make diue with less.
To borrow a line from the Godfather, "This is the business we've chosen." Its oh so tough, but you have to find positive and constructive things to do, or it will eat you up inside. Look at every aspect of your operation, where can you cut costs. A few hundred here and a thousand there can really add up.
IF, and that's a big if, we can finally get a good or even excellent winter, we'll all be alright. So go to church and say a few Hail Mary's and Our Father's. Hey, it couldn't hurt to get God working with us on this thing.