Would an m12 Istobal or a Ryko Softgloss be more reliable and or have a lower cost of operation? We have a fairly low volume site with 20-30 cars per day on a busy day? Thanks
So Carwashguy how much more would the istobal be worth assuming all options, service etc, was equal?If you have a good Istobal distributor nearby I would go with that one. If not check on how the Ryko service is in your area. I lean toward the Istobal but both are good machines. Eventually you will need service so I would go with the one with service you can depend on.
Yes, I am looking at used and new units. That's based on a good Istobal distributor and the sheer number of Ryko units out there. Any company can go broke but it seems like it's big enough that someone will always be interested enough to keep it going so I can get parts. What's your preference on a friction machine.So are you looking at used units? I am interested why you selected between these two units.... there are lots of friction units?
So the Istobal unit is actually made in Korea?