About a month ago the printer on my laser wash stopped printing. Nothing would print. The printer was sent to an electronics repair company in exchange for a reconditioned printer. The reconditioned printer will print, but the information that gets printed is hit or miss. It might print three lines and then miss three or sometimes it seems to print several lines on top of each other. I thought that they had sent a bad printer, so I sent it back and they ran some test pages and sent them back to me with the printer.
I replaced the printer cable, but didn't help.
Not sure I want to know the cause of this problem (afraid it is going to cost me), but has anyone experienced this or similar problems with their laswerwash printer?
I replaced the printer cable, but didn't help.
Not sure I want to know the cause of this problem (afraid it is going to cost me), but has anyone experienced this or similar problems with their laswerwash printer?