Self-Serve and Automatics
Had some more trouble with my one LW4000 today. Yesterday evening something happened that caused the Lasermind RAM to get corrupted. When I got to the wash this morning the blowers were running (since 5pm yesterday), the bay was closed and the weep was off. The computer was dead in the water and had lost everything...wash packages, parameters, plumbing configuration, etc. Apparently this can happen if you lose power and the battery fails although it happened in the middle of a wash?
I was able to reprogram everything and had it running in about 45 minutes. BUT, I'm not sure about a couple of things and hope somebody can help...
First, I'd like to change the battery on the cpu board but don't know what the procedure would is. Do I turn off the power and change? Keep the power on and change? Will I lose all the memory when I change the battery?
Second, I'm was looking in the manual and came across the "Cold Start" for the A5000 Lasermind. I guess I don't fully understand what it is? When and why would you attempt a "Cold Start" on the computer? There is a note that says "failure to push in the cold start button after power is turned on will result in memory being erased in the event of a power failure." I replaced these Laserminds over two years ago and have never pressed any cold start button.
Please enlighten me.
I was able to reprogram everything and had it running in about 45 minutes. BUT, I'm not sure about a couple of things and hope somebody can help...
First, I'd like to change the battery on the cpu board but don't know what the procedure would is. Do I turn off the power and change? Keep the power on and change? Will I lose all the memory when I change the battery?
Second, I'm was looking in the manual and came across the "Cold Start" for the A5000 Lasermind. I guess I don't fully understand what it is? When and why would you attempt a "Cold Start" on the computer? There is a note that says "failure to push in the cold start button after power is turned on will result in memory being erased in the event of a power failure." I replaced these Laserminds over two years ago and have never pressed any cold start button.
Please enlighten me.