If you're referring to the bolt pattern of the mount base, ordering a motor of the same frame size will guarantee the same layout.
Good info. I did mean the bolt pattern, just slipped my mind when I was typing the post. Are there any other specs that matter if I am replacing a 5hp 3 phase motor with another that is 5hp 3 phase?
If you're referring to only the bolt pattern, then yes, the frame size between different brands will always bolt up exactly the same. Frame size includes the shaft size. All other specs need to match up separately: RPM, horsepower, enclosure type, voltage, etc. You can usually find a cross-reference match to a different brand from the model number of the one you have, but it's easier to shop by matching up the specs, for example if you have a TEFC and can get by with an open dripproof, it would be a lot cheaper.
I'm looking at a motor of the same brand. Frames match up, but wasn't sure if there were minimums I needed to get regarding RPM etc to ensure it will work as a good replacement for a pump stand.
My motors say they use 6205+6206 bearings. How do I know which to buy? I see so many different bearings with the same dimensions.
You want a sealed, permanently lubricated bearing. They use the cheapest ones when they build the motor.