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% of Income Loss?

Bubbles Galore

Active member
I am in need of some numbers. I am looking at buying another wash, it's a 5/1 with some storage units, an office, and an 1100 sq. ft. apartment on site. It is a bank owned property and just like alot of the newbs around here, they think that a car wash will just make you millions. What I need from you guys is your location (city, state) and the percentage that your income has dropped. I need to be able to show a trend in how income has been in a decline in the past 24 months. It would be great if I could get last years drop and this years drop. Hopefully some of you will be able to say you broke even, but I know there are some operators out there that can help me out with the numbers I need.

Here in Navarre, Fl. (20 mi. east of Pensacola) we were down 3% in 2007 and YTD are off 7% in 2008. These numbers are gross revenue. Expenses are up again this year so the bottom line is even more adversly afffected
I rehabbed a 3-bay SS in '05 and '06. Income grew 20% in '06 and another 15% in '07.

YTD, this year I am tracking exactly identical with last year while everyone else near me is down-- ranging from a little to a LOT.

In a normal market, I think I would have seen another 15% bump this year; however, it never materialized. So my reduction simply showed up in a different form-- a bump that should have, but never materialized.
started a topic on this in the General Discussion area... was doing better than 2007 at beginning of year but Oct & Nov down 40% from 2007
We're seeing our first downward trend this quarter since opening five years ago, but I can't contribute it to any one thing. The weather could just as easily be responsible as the economy.
Carwash down slightly over ytd 08 vs. 07. Detail is up. 08 will be one of my best detail years since opening the detail shop in 1996. I attribute carwash downturn to weather; we had a crummy winter last year, and since my fiscal year starts 1/1, that poor winter washing season hurt the 08 carwash numbers.

I understand people say the economy hurts them, but I do not buy it in carwashing. It is the weather for me. My proof is detail shop income. If economy were the main problem, detailing would not be up. Carwash is $2-10 a throw. In a down economy, logically people would use carwash services more than detail to save $$$. Detail is $39-199+ price point.

Net is up due to cost cutting measures, water savings, shopping around for many line items on expense side of p&l (insurance, tax prep, chemicals etc). It adds up. When running a small operation like mine, saving $500 here and $1000 there in a year makes a significant difference in net income.