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Paraplate BR5-2 Regulator


Thread Killer!
Is the Paraplate BR5-2 regulator any good? How long do they last? I purchased one to try but haven't installed it yet. Just trying to come up with something easier to swap out than the huge giant unloaders I currently have.
I know that Mark VII didn't think about servicing that unloader when they attached it that goofy way, but they give virtually no trouble and never seem to need messing with.
I've been using them for over 20 years....and see no reason to change. Seal kits are cheap. Every 5-7 years or so, a stem needs to be replaced.......
In my experience, the Paraplate BR5-2 lasts around 10 years with no maintenance. A lot of operators like them because their attendant can't go in and try to crank up the pressure with a large plastic adjustment knob. I don't rebuild them anymore - in my experience, once they start to leak they won't hold a kit anymore. They don't fail and cause major problems unless it's left leaking for months and the spring washers rust together.
You know me! I have this never ending quest to tame the Mark VII Beast! I replaced all the Giant Unloaders late in 2011 shortly after buying the wash. That cured the weep backing up in the holding tanks. Who would have thought Mark VII used the CV in the unloader to keep the weep checked?! Who would know there was a CV in there anyway?!?!?! 4 years later they are starting to fail again. Did I mention they are a PITA to rebuild?!

So I’m in the process of building a complete set of fittings as a drop in between the HP hose connections. This will include the weep fittings and both CV’s. When it needs serviced, I can have a complete setup ready to go and install it in a few minutes, only 2 connections. Then I can rebuild the assembly on the bench when I have time. Make sense? The Paraplate BR5-2 grabbed my attention when the brochure said it had dampening capabilities. Thanks for the replies! Its getting installed as soon as the fittings arrive.