Hello I have a customer that has a PDQ Laserwash 4000. It is not sizing the car correctly.
The Virtual Treadle Board has been replaced, The inductive prox that reads the flags is opperation correctly and the wires in the festoon cable have been checked. I am thinking tht it is the Ultrasonic rangefinders are malfunctioning. The part number on the sensor is 04420026 I have called washworld and have been told that they do not carry nor can they get these sensors. Does anyone have a spare that I could purchase or know of any other suppliers that wont rape our customer on pricing?
The Virtual Treadle Board has been replaced, The inductive prox that reads the flags is opperation correctly and the wires in the festoon cable have been checked. I am thinking tht it is the Ultrasonic rangefinders are malfunctioning. The part number on the sensor is 04420026 I have called washworld and have been told that they do not carry nor can they get these sensors. Does anyone have a spare that I could purchase or know of any other suppliers that wont rape our customer on pricing?